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July有七月的意思。那你们想知道July的用法吗?今天小编给大家带来了July的用法 ,希望能够帮助到大家,一起来学习吧。


n. 七月



July是公历月份的第七个月,不可用于中国的农历,农历7月通常用the seventh moon来表示。




July is the hottest month in a year in my hometown.在我的家乡,七月是一年里最热的一月。

The maximum temperature in July may be 36 Celsius degree.七月份最高温度可能达到36摄氏度。

He will leave at the end of term, to wit 30 July.他要在期末离开,也就是7月30日。


1、In July 1957, we were married in New York.


2、On 6 July a People's Revolutionary Government was constituted.


3、The first price increases are due to come into force in July.


July词组 | 习惯用语

in july 在七月

fourth of july 美国独立纪念日

July monarchy 七月王朝

July Rhapsody 男人四十(电影名)

Miranda July n. 米兰达·朱莱

July Package 七月套案

Fourth of July 美国独立纪念日

July Hollyhock 七月~蜀葵

July Monarchy 七月王朝; 奥尔良王朝;

JULY JJ 绝对值问题

July luglio 七月

July Ultimatum 七月最后通牒; 匈帝塞的最后通牒;

July Receptionists 接待员

July daoyin 七月节导引法


1.Rainfall has been above normal this July.今年7月份降雨量高于正常。

2.July is the seventh month of the year.7月是一年中的第七个月。

3.A hailstorm in July is a caprice of nature.七月天的一场冰雹是大自然的反复无常的变化

4.The two banks will consolidate in July next year.这两家银行明年7月将合并。

5.Many boys explode firecrackers on the Fourth of July.许多男孩子在7月4日那天放爆竹。

6.I hereby acknowledge receipt of your letter of 25July.特此告知贵方7月25日的来函收悉。

7.July to August supply pickling cantharelloid, about delicacy boletus 50-100 tons.7-8月供应盐渍鸡油菌、美味牛肝菌50-100吨左右。

8.The Fourth of July is the national holiday of the US.七月四日是美国国庆日。

9.The Fourth of July domestic culinary pyromania is followed by community pyrotechnics.七月四日,人们在家里食完人间烟火,接下去就是社区的烟花会。

10.The king confirmed that the election would be held on July 20th.国王批准选举在7月20日举行。

11.July is the season for sales.七月是大减价的季节。

12.She will fly to Fenland with her husband in July ,i will miss you!超级活泼开朗的女孩!因为她,使我对西方文化产生了兴趣,especially the music.

13.You can earn a mint selling ice cream on the beach in July and August.七八月份在海滩卖冰淇淋一定能赚大钱。

14.Smith's report was not officially okayed by the War Department for Release until July 9.史密斯的报告于7月9日才获得释放战俘处正式批准。

15.President James A. Garfield was shot by a disappointed office seeker on July 2, 1881.1881年7月2日,詹姆斯·A·加菲尔德总统被一个失望的谋求官职者枪击

16.Dahlias are florescent from July.天竺牡丹七月起开花。

17.An Electronic Odyssey (1995). Directed by Steven M. Martin. Video Release Date: July 5, 2000.电子奥德赛(1995),史蒂芬.M.马丁导演,影片出版日期:2000年7月25日。

18.July 16, World's first radiotelephone service, between Los Angeles and Santa Catalina Island, opened to the public.7月16日,全球第一个无线电话业务,从旧金山至圣塔卡特莱那岛,正式开通。

19.Total U.S. hardwood log exports were down 25% through July despite modest year-on-year increases in Yellow Poplar (Tulipwood) and Birch shipments.在7月,美国硬木原木出口下降了25%,尽管黄杨木和桦木出口量同比有所上升。

20.We have treated 35 patients who is sick gynecologial benign tumor and needs panhysterectomy by LAVH(laparoscopically assisted vaginal hysterectomy) form July,1997.从1997年7月起,对妇科良性疾病需行全子宫切除的35例患者,全部采用腹腔镜辅助下的阴式全子宫切除。


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