
[英语教案][英语对话]简单的英语日常对话 Orange juice

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Good morning, sir. Can I help you 早上好,先生。有什么我能效劳的吗

Yes. I want this game. 是的。我想看看这副棋。

OK. Here. 给您。

How much is it 这个多少钱 It’s $ 20.00. 20.00元

What’s that那是什么

It’s a bear. How lovely! 是一只熊。好可爱啊!

Good afternoon. Can I Help you 下午好,想买点什么

Yes. Please. I Want a bag. 我想要一个包。

A big one or a small one大的还是小的

A big one. Can you show me that one on the right 我想买大一点的。你能把右边那个给我看看吗

OK. Do you like it 你喜欢吗

Yes. But it’s expensive. 但是太贵了。

Sit down, please. What would you like to drink请坐。想喝点什么

Orange juice, please. 桔子汁。

OK. Here are bananas and apples. Help yourself. :好的。这儿有香蕉和苹果。随便吃。

Hi, Alice,have you made any New Year’s resolutions yet爱丽丝,你好,你做好新年的决定没有?

Just the usual. I’d like to lose some weight, and I want to save some money.和平常一样。我想减肥,还想存些钱。

Come on! Everybody makes those resolutions!得了吧!人人都有这样的想法!



